Reflux in pregnancy: symptoms, causes and treatment


Reflux in pregnancy can be quite uncomfortable and happens mainly due to the growth of the baby, which leads to the appearance of some symptoms such as heartburn and burning in the stomach, nausea and frequent belching (burping), for example.

As it is considered a normal situation, no specific treatment is necessary, however, the use of some medicines and changes in diet may be indicated by the doctor that help to avoid and relieve symptoms.

Symptoms of reflux in pregnancy

The symptoms of reflux in pregnancy are not serious, however they can be quite uncomfortable, the main ones being:

  • Heartburn and burning;
  • Sensation of food coming back up the esophagus;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Frequent belching;
  • Swelling in the belly.

Reflux symptoms usually become more intense and frequent after the 27th week of pregnancy. In addition, women who already had reflux before becoming pregnant or who were already pregnant are more likely to develop reflux symptoms.

Main causes

Reflux in pregnancy is a common situation and it happens as a consequence of the normal changes that occur during pregnancy, such as the baby's development, which compresses the stomach and forces food upwards, causing reflux.

In addition, hormonal changes, especially in progesterone levels, can also favor the onset of reflux symptoms due to the slowness of intestinal flow.

How is the treatment done?

Treatment for reflux during pregnancy mainly includes changes in diet and lifestyle, however, the use of medication may also be indicated by the gynecologist in some situations:

1. Changes in food

Changes in diet are aimed at relieving symptoms and preventing new crises, so it is recommended that small amounts of food be consumed at each meal, increasing the number of meals per day, to maintain adequate calorie intake.

In addition, chocolate, mint, coffee, pepper and acidic foods such as oranges and pineapples should be avoided, as they relax the esophageal muscle, facilitating the return of food, and irritate the stomach, worsening the symptoms of the disease. .

It is also important to pay attention to the foods that can trigger the onset of symptoms and, thus, eliminate them from your daily diet. See what reflux food should look like.

2. Medicines

Some magnesium or calcium-based medications can be used during pregnancy to combat reflux symptoms, such as Bisurada magnesia lozenges, milk of magnesia or Mylanta plus.

However, it is important to remember that all medication must be taken according to medical advice. In addition, pregnant women should avoid using sodium bicarbonate-based medications, as they increase fluid retention.

3. Natural treatment

To treat reflux naturally, you can use alternatives such as acupuncture and aromatherapy, which use lemon and orange essential oils to massage the chest and back or to exhale vapors into the environment.

Another alternative is to consume peppermint, chamomile, ginger and dandelion teas, remembering that dandelion is contraindicated in cases of diabetes, as it interferes with medication. See the complete list of teas that are prohibited during pregnancy .

Check out the following video for some tips on what to eat to relieve reflux symptoms: