Remedies for urticaria: pharmacy and home


Some remedies for hives, especially antiallergic ones, such as antihistamines or corticosteroids, for example, help relieve the symptoms of hives, such as a burning sensation, itching or swelling of the skin, and can be used in the form of ointments, drops or pills. In addition, the treatment can also be complemented with home remedies, such as an oatmeal bath or a chamomile tea compress, for example.

These remedies should be used with the recommendation of a dermatologist or general practitioner, who can prescribe the best treatment individually, according to age, type of urticaria and its severity. Know how to identify the main types of urticaria .

In severe cases of hives, with symptoms such as swelling in the mouth, tongue or throat, difficulty breathing, you should seek the nearest emergency room immediately, as it can be life-threatening. In these cases, medicines applied directly into the vein or muscle, for example, are usually administered.

Top pharmacy remedies

Generally, the drugs that are used initially are antihistamines, however, in some cases, it may be necessary to complement the treatment or replace antihistamines with other drugs, such as immunosuppressants, for example.

1. Antihistamines

Antihistamines are anti-allergic drugs that help relieve the symptoms of itching, redness or swelling of the skin caused by acute or chronic hives, as they work by blocking the action of histamine, which is the substance produced by the body responsible for the allergic response.

The antihistamines that are usually prescribed by the doctor are:

  • Dexchlorpheniramine maleate ointment or skin cream (Polaramine or Histamin);
  • Loratadine tablet, syrup or drops (Claritin or Loratamed);
  • Desloratadine tablet, syrup or drops (Desalex, Esalerg or Sigmaliv);
  • Fexofenadine tablet or syrup (Allegra or Altiva);
  • Cetirizine capsule, tablet or drops (Reactine or Zyrtec);
  • Levocetirizine drops or tablet (Zyxem or Rizi).

Antihistamines are the most indicated remedies, as they have fewer side effects, and should not be used by children, pregnant or breastfeeding women, unless recommended by a doctor.

In addition, the doctor may recommend other antihistamines, such as chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, or hydroxyzine, which are faster-acting and more effective, but have more side effects such as sedation, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, or reduced ability. of concentration.

When antihistamines alone are not effective in relieving the symptoms of urticaria, the doctor may add other drugs to the treatment, such as the antihistamines cimetidine or famotidine, especially for acute urticaria, or antidepressants with an antihistamine effect, such as doxepin, for chronic urticaria.

2. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids are drugs widely used for the treatment of pressure urticaria, vasculitic urticaria or chronic urticaria, in situations where there is a lot of discomfort and/or where other treatments have not been effective.

The main corticosteroids indicated by the doctor are usually:

  • Prednisone tablets (Meticorten or Corticorten);
  • Prednisolone tablets or drops (Prelone or Predsim);

These corticosteroids should only be used with medical advice and indication, with well-determined doses and for the time indicated by the doctor, individually.

In cases of severe acute hives, with symptoms such as swelling in the mouth, throat or tongue or difficulty breathing, corticosteroids can also be used as an injection in hospitals for emergency care.

3. Immunosuppressants

Immunosuppressants are drugs with antiallergic action as they work by reducing the action of the immune system, which helps to relieve the symptoms of severe chronic autoimmune or idiopathic urticaria, such as blistering, redness or itching of the skin.

This type of medication includes:

  • Cyclosporine capsules (Sandimmun Neoral);
  • Tacrolimus dermatological ointment (Atobach or Tacroz).

These drugs are usually indicated when antihistamine treatments have not been effective and/or when the required dose of corticosteroid is too high, and should only be used on medical advice.

4. Other medications

In some cases, the doctor may also add other medicines to the treatment:

  • Montelukast (Singulair, Montelair): is a substance that, although it works differently from antihistamines, it also reduces typical allergy symptoms;
  • Hydroxychloroquine (Reuquinol, Plaquinol) or colchicine (Colchis, Coltrax): may be added after hydroxyzine and before (or together with) systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of persistent vasculitic urticaria;
  • Omalizumab: is a type of anti-IgE monoclonal antibody indicated in the treatment of chronic urticaria induced by the activation of mast cells and basophils by an autoantibody.

Before starting any medication, it is important to consult a doctor to decide the best form of treatment.

Home remedies for hives

A good way to complete the medical treatment of hives, especially in mild cases, is to take a soaking bath with oatmeal and lavender, or use chamomile tea compresses on the affected area of ​​the skin.

The use of these, or any other natural remedy, should not replace the remedies indicated by the doctor, being just a way to help relieve symptoms more quickly. Here are some home remedies for hives .

In addition, other natural measures that can help relieve the symptoms of hives are: wearing light, comfortable and non-tight clothing, preferably cotton; avoid abrasive soaps and opt for those that are mild and have a neutral pH; apply mineral sunscreen before leaving home; and avoid scratching the skin.