Fast weight gain: 9 main causes and what to do


Weight gain happens quickly and unexpectedly, especially when it is related to hormonal changes, stress, medication use, or menopause, for example, in which there may be a decrease in metabolism and an increase in fat accumulation. Consuming foods that speed up metabolism can help to decrease unwanted weight gain in these cases. Find out about foods that speed up your metabolism.

Therefore, if weight gain is noticed unexpectedly, even if there is exercise and healthy eating habits, it is important to check with the doctor, if you are undergoing drug treatment, if there is another medication alternative that has fewer side effects. and also increase energy expenditure with more physical activity.

The main causes of rapid weight gain are:

1. Liquid retention

Fluid retention can lead to weight gain due to the accumulation of fluid inside the cells, which can happen due to a high-sodium diet, low water intake, use of certain medications, and due to a health problem such as heart problems. , thyroid disorders, kidney and liver diseases, for example.

What to do: If swelling is noticed, one of the ways to reduce the swelling is through lymphatic drainage, which is a type of gentle massage that can be done manually or with specific equipment and which stimulates lymphatic circulation, allowing retained fluids are directed into the bloodstream and eliminated in the urine, but it is important to see a doctor so that the cause of fluid retention can be identified and treatment started.

Another way to reduce the swelling caused by fluid retention is through the consumption of teas that have a diuretic effect or medications, which must be indicated by the doctor, in addition to the regular practice of physical exercises combined with a healthy, low-salt diet.

2. Age

Age is one of the main causes of rapid and unintentional weight gain. This is because with advancing age, metabolism becomes slower, that is, the body has more difficulty burning fat, causing it to be stored for longer, leading to weight gain.

In the case of women, for example, menopause, which normally occurs after the age of 40, can also lead to weight gain, as there is a decrease in the production of female hormones, which leads to fluid retention and, consequently, an increase in blood pressure. Weight. See all about menopause.

What to do: To reduce the effects of hormonal and metabolic changes that occur in the body due to aging, it is important to have healthy habits, with exercise and a balanced diet. In some cases, the gynecologist may recommend that the woman take hormone replacement therapy to lessen menopausal symptoms.

3. Hormonal problems

The change in the production of some hormones can lead to rapid weight gain, such as hypothyroidism, which is characterized by changes in the thyroid that lead to a decrease in the production of T3 and T4 hormones, which help metabolism by providing the necessary energy for the body. good functioning of the organism. Thus, with the decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, there is a decrease in metabolism, excessive tiredness and fat accumulation, which promotes rapid weight gain.

What to do: In the case of hypothyroidism, for example, if you notice any symptoms that indicate this condition, it is recommended to go to the doctor so that tests are requested that indicate the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid and, thus, it is possible to conclude the diagnosis. and start treatment. The treatment for these cases is usually done with the replacement of the T4 hormone, which should be taken on an empty stomach at least 20 minutes before breakfast or as instructed by the endocrinologist.

4. Constipation

Constipation, also called constipation or constipation, is characterized by a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements and when it happens, the stools are dry and hard, which favors the emergence of hemorrhoids, for example. Due to the lack of bowel movements, feces accumulate, which causes a feeling of bloating and weight gain.

If constipation is persistent or is accompanied by other symptoms, such as bleeding when defecating, presence of mucus in the stool or hemorrhoids, it is important to consult a gastroenterologist.

What to do: Constipated bowel happens mainly due to poor fiber diet and lack of physical activity. In this way, it is necessary to improve eating habits, giving preference to the consumption of foods rich in fiber, in addition to the practice of physical exercises on a regular basis.

Check out in the video below some tips to improve the functioning of the intestine and avoid constipation:

5. Use of medication

Prolonged use of some medications can lead to weight gain. In the case of corticosteroids, for example, which are drugs generally recommended in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes, their constant use can alter fat metabolism, resulting in an irregular distribution of fats in the body and weight gain, in addition to a decrease in muscle mass and changes in the intestine and stomach.

What to do: Weight gain varies from person to person, but if the person feels very uncomfortable, it is recommended that you consult your doctor to seek alternative treatment. It is important not to interrupt the use of the drug without first consulting the doctor, as there may be regression or worsening of the clinical condition.

6. Insomnia

Insomnia, which is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, can cause rapid and unintentional weight gain due to the fact that the hormone responsible for sleep, melatonin, when not produced or produced in small amounts, slow down the fat burning process, increasing weight.

In addition, as a result of sleepless nights, there is a decrease in the production of the hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety, leptin, which causes the person to continue eating and, consequently, gain weight.

What to do: One of the attitudes to fight insomnia is to do sleep hygiene, that is, try to wake up always at the same time, avoid sleeping during the day and avoid using your cell phone or watching television at least 1 hour before bed. In addition, you can drink teas with calming properties at night, such as chamomile tea, for example, as it helps to calm down and improve sleep quality. Also see 4 sleep therapy methods to sleep better .

7. Stress, depression and anxiety

In situations of stress and anxiety, for example, the tension constantly felt can make the person look for foods that guarantee a feeling of pleasure and well-being, such as sweet foods, for example, which can lead to weight gain. .

In the case of depression, as there is a decrease in willingness and interest in carrying out day-to-day activities, including physical activity, the search for a feeling of well-being leads to greater consumption of chocolates and cakes, for example, resulting in weight gain.

What to do: It is important to seek help from a psychologist or psychiatrist so that the cause that leads to anxiety, stress or depression can be identified, and the appropriate treatment can be initiated for each case. Most of the time, the identification of the problem that triggers these situations is enough to help the person to fight it. In addition, it is important for the person to practice activities that promote their well-being, such as reading a book, going out with friends and practicing outdoor activities, for example.

8. Lack of nutrients

One of the symptoms of lack of nutrients is excessive tiredness and lack of desire to do daily activities. Thus, fatigue can make the person unwilling or unwilling to exercise, which causes the metabolism to slow down and weight gain.

The lack of nutrients can occur due to the consumption of nutritionally poor foods, to a poorly varied diet or due to the body's deficiency in absorbing these nutrients even if there is an adequate diet.

What to do: In these cases it is important to pay attention to food and seek nutritional help so that a balanced diet is recommended and that meets nutritional needs. Discover the benefits of healthy eating.

9. Pregnancy

It is normal for weight gain to occur in pregnancy due to the development of the baby and the increase in the amount of food that must be consumed, as it must be enough to nourish both mother and baby.

What to do: Although weight gain during pregnancy is normal, it is important that women pay attention to what they eat, as an unregulated or nutritionally poor diet can result in gestational diabetes and high blood pressure in pregnancy, for example, which can put the lives of mother and baby at risk.

It is recommended that the woman is monitored by the obstetrician and nutritionist during pregnancy to avoid excessive weight gain or the consumption of less nutritious foods for the baby. See some tips to control weight during pregnancy in the following video: