Scleritis: what it is, symptoms, causes and treatment


Scleritis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the sclera, which is the white layer of the eye, leading to the appearance of redness in the eye, pain when moving the eyes, and decreased visual ability in some cases.

Scleritis can affect one or both eyes and is more common in young and middle-aged women, often resulting from complications from diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, leprosy or tuberculosis.

Scleritis is curable, especially if treatment is started early on. Thus, it is important to consult the ophthalmologist when signs and symptoms that are indicative of scleritis appear, so that the most appropriate treatment can be initiated. To treat, medications such as antibiotics or immunosuppressants may be used, in addition to surgery, in some cases.

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main symptoms

The main symptoms related to scleritis are redness in the eye and pain when moving the eyes, which can be so intense that it interferes with sleep and appetite.

Other symptoms of scleritis include:

  • Swelling in the eye;
  • Change from white to yellowish tones in the eye;
  • Appearance of a painful lump, which may not move a little;
  • Decreased vision;
  • Perforation of the eyeball, being a sign of gravity.

However, when scleritis affects the back of the eye, the symptoms of scleritis may not be identified right away, which jeopardizes its treatment and the prevention of complications.

How to confirm the diagnosis

Diagnosis is made by evaluating the symptoms and structure of the eye by an ophthalmologist, who may also recommend tests such as instillation, 10% phenylephrine test, or eye ultrasound.

When not treated properly, scleritis can cause complications such as glaucoma, retinal detachment, optic nerve swelling, corneal changes, cataracts, progressive vision loss, and blindness.

Possible causes

Scleritis mainly arises as a complication of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, Wegener's granulomatosis, relapsing polychondritis, lupus, reactive arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, ankylosing spondylitis, leprosy, syphilis, Churg-Strauss syndrome, or tuberculosis.

In addition, the condition can arise after eye surgeries, accidents or the presence of foreign bodies in the eye or local infections caused by microorganisms.

How is the treatment done?

Treatment for scleritis is done under the guidance of the ophthalmologist who indicates the use of medications according to the cause of the scleritis, and the use of antibiotics or immunosuppressants, for example, may be recommended.

In cases of complications such as cataracts and glaucoma that cannot be controlled with medication alone, the doctor may also recommend surgery. In addition, other diseases that may have caused scleritis, such as lupus and tuberculosis, should be treated and controlled to promote healing of the eye and prevent the problem from reappearing.

However, it is important to remember that cases of necrotizing anterior scleritis with inflammation and posterior scleritis are the most serious, with greater chances of vision loss.