Peeling skin: 9 main causes and what to do


Skin peeling happens when the most superficial layers are eliminated, which is usually caused by simple situations, such as skin dryness. However, when it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness, pain, itching, or swelling, it can also be a sign of a more serious problem, such as dermatitis, yeast infection, and even lupus.

In most cases, skin peeling can be prevented through measures such as moisturizing the skin well or using hygiene products suitable for the skin type. However, if the symptoms last for more than a week or if the peeling becomes very uncomfortable, it is recommended to see a dermatologist, to identify the cause and start the most appropriate treatment.

1. Dry skin

Dry skin, scientifically known as xeroderma, happens when the sebaceous glands and sweat glands start to produce less oily matter and sweat than normal, which makes the skin drier and ends up flaking.

What to do : it is recommended to drink the recommended amount of water daily, avoid taking baths with very hot water, use neutral or glycerated soap and moisturize the skin with creams suitable for the skin type. Here are some ways to hydrate your skin .

2. Sunburn

Sunburn happens when you are exposed to the sun for a long time without any type of sun protection, which allows UV radiation to be absorbed by the skin. When this happens, UV rays destroy the layers of the skin, leaving it red and scaly.

Generally, sunburn is more common in places that are constantly exposed to the sun, such as the face, arms or back, for example.

What to do : it is important to take a bath with cold water, apply creams suitable for post-sun exposure, as they help relieve discomfort and promote skin healing. Understand how the treatment of sunburn is done .

3. Contact allergy

Contact allergy, also known as contact dermatitis, happens when the skin comes into direct contact with an allergenic substance, such as perfumes, cosmetics, or cleaning products. This type of allergy can cause symptoms such as redness, itching, sores and blisters on the skin, which can appear immediately or up to 12 hours after contact, depending on the type of product to which you have been exposed. 

What to do : it is recommended to avoid contact with the allergenic product, wash the skin with cold water and neutral pH soap and take an antihistamine, according to medical prescription. If the allergy appears frequently, it is possible to carry out some allergy tests to check which substances cause the symptoms and adapt the treatment. See when it's appropriate to take the allergy test .

4. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease that causes pink or red patches of white scales on the skin. The dimensions of the lesions are variable and can appear on any part of the body, however, the most common places are elbows, knees and scalp. One of the hallmarks of psoriasis is peeling skin which is sometimes accompanied by itching.

The intensity of the symptoms of the disease can vary according to the climate and to some factors such as stress and consumption of alcoholic beverages. 

What to do : the treatment of psoriasis must be indicated by a dermatologist and is usually done with creams or gels to apply to the skin, as well as the ingestion of medication or treatment with ultraviolet rays. Understand better what psoriasis is and how it is treated. Understand better what psoriasis is and how to treat it .

5. Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory disease that causes dry skin due to the difficulty in retaining water and insufficient production of fat by the sebaceous glands, which makes the skin more prone to flaking. Atopic dermatitis causes intense itching of the skin and is mainly located on the elbows, knees, wrists, back of the hands, feet and genital region.

This disease can appear in childhood and usually tends to decrease until adolescence, and may appear again in adulthood.

What to do : proper skin hygiene and hydration is important in order to keep the skin as hydrated as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a dermatologist to start a more appropriate treatment with the use of emollient creams and medications applied to the skin. Check out how to identify atopic dermatitis .

6. Seborrheic dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease characterized by peeling skin, especially in places where there are more sebaceous glands, such as the head and upper torso. When it appears on the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis is commonly called "dandruff", but it can appear in other hairy places, such as the beard, eyebrows or in places with folds, such as the armpits, groin or ears.

The desquamation caused by seborrheic dermatitis is usually oily and tends to be more frequent in situations of stress and changes in the weather. In addition, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as redness of the skin and itchiness. 

What to do : seborrheic dermatitis has no cure, however, there are some precautions to be taken to reduce skin flaking and reduce itching, such as applying a repairing cream to the skin, using the appropriate shampoo for the skin type, performing proper hygiene of the skin. skin and wear light, airy clothing. In severe cases, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist to start a more appropriate treatment, which can be done with corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone or dexamethasone, for example. Understand better what seborrheic dermatitis is and how to treat it .

7. Fungal infection

Fungal infection can be caused by different types of fungi and is transmitted between people either through direct contact or through contaminated objects, especially if there is heat and humidity. 

Typically, a fungal infection causes peeling skin that can be accompanied by cracks and itching, being more common in warm and humid places such as toes, armpits, groin or other skin folds. It is also common that with perspiration there is a worsening of the itching, increasing the discomfort.

What to do : the treatment must be done with antifungal creams, indicated by the doctor and it is also important to take some care to reduce body humidity and control the infection, such as drying the body well after bathing or after perspiring, wearing airy clothes and avoid sharing personal hygiene items. Here 's how to identify yeast infection on the skin and how to treat it .

8. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus

Cutaneous lupus erythematosus is characterized by reddish lesions with a brown border and scaling of the skin. Usually, these lesions are located in areas that are most exposed to the sun, such as the face, ears or scalp.

What to do : the treatment of this disease must include daily care to control sun exposure, such as wearing a hat, wearing long-sleeved clothing and applying sunscreen. In more severe cases, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist to indicate a more specific treatment, such as the use of corticosteroid cream or other medicines. Better understand what lupus is, its symptoms and treatment . more about lupus.

9. Skin cancer

Although it is more rare, scaling can also be a sign of skin cancer, especially in people who spend a lot of time in the sun without any kind of sun protection. 

In addition to scaling, skin cancer can also cause spots, which are usually asymmetrical, with an irregular edge, with more than one color and with a size greater than 1 cm. Understand better how to identify the signs of skin cancer .

What to do : The treatment of the disease depends on the type and stage of the cancer and surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may be necessary. Generally, the earlier treatment is started, the greater the chances of cure.