Implantation bleeding: how to identify and how long it lasts


Implantation bleeding can happen between 5 and 7 days after fertilization and corresponds to a small pink or brown bleeding that lasts a few hours, however not all women have this symptom, it is important to be aware of other pregnancy symptoms, such as cramps, weak abdominal pain and a feeling of twinge in the belly, for example.

Implantation, also called implantation, corresponds to the fixation of the egg fertilized by the sperm on the wall of the uterus, initiating the gestational process, in which there are hormonal variations and the formation of essential structures for the development of the baby. Learn more about nesting.

How to identify implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is the one that appears after the ovulatory period, as long as there has been sexual intercourse. This bleeding is not abundant and varies in color from brown, similar to coffee grounds, to pink, and appears up to 5 to 7 days after fertilization. See how to know if there has been fertilization.

In addition to bleeding, it is possible for the woman to present some signs and symptoms that are indicative of implantation, such as weak colic and a feeling of twinges in the belly, for example, which last about 3 days and can be considered the first symptoms of pregnancy. Know the early symptoms of pregnancy.

What is the difference between implantation bleeding and menstruation?

Menstruation can be characterized by profuse bleeding of a bright red color, especially in the first days of the cycle, which lasts on average 5 days and which in some cases may be accompanied by some clots, unlike implantation bleeding, which is not profuse. , lasts a few hours and has a pink or brown color similar to coffee grounds.

how long does it last

Implantation bleeding, when it happens, usually lasts from a few hours to about 3 days and the flow of bleeding is not large or increasing. The cramps and the feeling of twinges in the belly also last up to 3 days, however when they are intense, they last more than 3 days or when the flow outside the menstrual period is very intense and has a more vivid color, it is important to go to the gynecologist so that tests are performed to identify the cause of this change and, thus, appropriate treatment can be initiated, if necessary.

In case the symptoms disappear in 3 days, there is a great possibility that the woman is pregnant and, therefore, it is important that she goes to the gynecologist so that the performance of the pregnancy test, the beta-HCG, is indicated, so that the concentration of the blood pregnancy hormone.

If you have symptoms suggestive of implantation, take the following test to check your chances of being pregnant:

Find out if you are pregnant

start the test
Illustrative image of the questionnaire
No ultimo mês você teve relação sexual sem usar camisinha ou outro método contraceptivo como DIU, implante ou anticoncepcional?
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Você notou algum corrimento vaginal cor-de-rosa ultimamente?
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Você está ficando enjoada e tem vontade de vomitar de manhã?
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Você está mais sensível ao cheiros, ficando incomodada com cheiros como cigarro, comida ou perfume?
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Sua barriga parece mais inchada que antes, sendo mais difícil manter a calça jeans apertada durante o dia?
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Sua pele parece mais oleosa e com tendência à acne?
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Você está se sentindo mais cansada e com mais sono?
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Sua menstruação está atrasada há mais de 5 dias?
  • Sim
  • Não
Você já fez algum teste de gravidez de farmácia ou o exame de sangue, no ultimo mês, com resultado positivo?
  • Sim
  • Não
Você tomou a pílula do dia seguinte até 3 dias após a relação desprotegida?
  • Sim
  • Não
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