Ideal weight for height (with online calculator)


The ideal weight is the weight that a person should have for their height, being considered a healthy weight range and that allows to markedly reduce the risk of several health problems, such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes or even malnutrition.

To calculate the ideal weight in adults, it is advisable to use the body mass index, or BMI , which mainly takes height into account. In the case of children, the formula used to determine the ideal weight varies according to age and sex. Here's how to know the ideal weight for boys and the ideal weight for girls .

It is important to mention that the BMI does not take into account the amount of fat, muscle or water that the person has, being only a reference of weight for the person's height. Therefore, people who have a lot of muscle mass or fluid retention should not assess their weight only through BMI, it is recommended to consult a nutritionist for a more detailed assessment.

Ideal weight calculator for adults

To calculate the ideal weight for adults, use our calculator by entering your data below:

The ideal weight is an estimate of how much a person should weigh for their height, however there are other important factors that must be taken into account, such as the amount of fat, muscle and water, to determine what the ideal weight is.

If there is any doubt regarding weight, the ideal is to consult a nutritionist to carry out a complete nutritional assessment and measure the percentage of fat and muscle, as well as consider other factors such as level of physical activity and personal history.

See the video below for some tips on how to weigh yourself correctly at home:

How to know the ideal weight for children

In the case of children, weight is a very important measure as it helps to understand the general nutritional status, serving as a relevant parameter, especially in the first 2 years of life, to assess whether the baby is growing and developing correctly.

The best way to know if the baby or child is at the ideal weight is to consult the pediatrician, however, there are some weight tables that can help. According to the age of the child, the table to consult is different. Up to 2 years old, weight should be evaluated according to the growth percentile, and between 2 and 5 years old it is advisable to evaluate weight by height. From the age of 5, the child's BMI is used.

Check out all the weight tables for boys between 0 and 18 years old and girls between 0 and 18 years old .

How to get to the ideal weight

When the person is outside their ideal weight value, they should consult a nutritionist to start a diet adapted to their needs, to increase or decrease weight. In addition, you should also consult a physical education teacher to start a proper exercise plan.

Achieving the ideal weight depends on whether the person is above or below it, so:

1. If you are overweight

For those who are overweight and want to achieve it, it is important to increase the consumption of healthy foods, rich in fiber and low in calories, such as eggplant, ginger, salmon and flaxseeds. These foods help speed up metabolism and decrease anxiety, favoring weight loss. Check out other examples of foods that help you lose weight .

To reach the goal faster, exercise is recommended to increase caloric expenditure and metabolism. The nutritionist can indicate some teas and natural supplements, if necessary, to promote weight loss and reduce anxiety.

In the case of morbid obesity, the doctor may indicate the use of some medicines that help, together with an adequate diet and physical activity, to reduce weight. Another option is bariatric surgery, which is indicated for obese people who have tried to lose weight through diet, but have not been able to.

In addition to the ideal weight, it is also important to know the result of the waist-hip ratio to assess the risk of having cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes and heart attack. Here 's how to calculate the waist-to-hip ratio .

2. If you are underweight

If the BMI result is below the ideal weight, it is important to seek the guidance of a nutritionist so that a complete nutritional assessment can be carried out and a nutritional plan adapted to the person's individual needs is indicated.

In principle, weight gain should happen in a healthy way, favoring weight gain through muscle hypertrophy and not through the accumulation of fat in the body. Therefore, the consumption of foods such as pizzas, fried foods, hot dogs and hamburgers are not the best options for those who need to gain weight in a healthy way, since this type of fat can accumulate inside the arteries, increasing the risk of diseases. heart.

In order to increase muscle mass, it is important to eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, cheese, milk and dairy products, chicken or salmon, in addition to eating every 3 hours to increase caloric intake. See more details to gain weight in a healthy way.

In some cases, lack of appetite may be related to some physical or emotional illness and the doctor may recommend carrying out medical tests to identify what may be the cause of weight loss.

Check out the video below for some tips to gain weight in a healthy way: